Well if you don't see the downfalls then I say great, you have nothing to worry about then.

I've made my living as a musician for the past 15 years, I've also sold home theater equipment for a period of time. I've been in and out of studio's, and off and on stages. I've got very critical ears, and I've had a lot of experience with all sorts of brands and gear. I believe I'm more then qualified to note the stong points and down falls of a speaker.

Going off of your post, you seem to be coming across as if I'm bashing these speakers. I have not. I have stated what I don't like about them, I have also praised them. I have stated more then once they are great speakers that are better then a lot of center channels, but I also stated that they're worse then some center channels as well. But ya know, so what. That can be said about any darn speaker. Also, if I felt the 150 was THAT bad, I would have never made the decision to repurchase it. It's not that bad, in fact it isn't bad at all. There's just a few things I don't like about it. However those things can be easily corrected, for the most part.

I never knew this thread was going to take on such a turn. This thread wasn't suppose to be the VP100/150 thread. I created this thread to let my friends know that I was coming back, and simply stated my reasons why I left. I didn't expect this to turn into what it has. Some asked questions, I explained my reasons, and stated my opinions in responce to their questions. I'm truly sorry if I ruffled feathers, that was never my intention.

Well, to my friends, and those who know me, thank you all for the welcome, I greatly appreciate it. I'll be placing my order within the next day or two. I'm trying to decide on which finish at the moment. Once that's done, the order will be placed.
