Ya know Guys, thinkin'about it for a minute....center channels are like hamburgers.

We all know what a good burger is, but I'll bet there are no two of us who take them with the same fixins.

(heck, most of us probably don't take them the same way twice in a row)

Personally, I like them with cheese.

(they're better with Swiss. No, BEST with Swiss)

Now then, as to what "I" expect(ok, would like)from a center channel: It's something that goes a bit lower than, say, 70hz accurately. The reason being, and here is where "Brainwashing" has come into play, is due to a few acticles I had read back when Home Theater was first coming into popularity.

1st. Commandment: "Center Channel Shall Be Full-Range due to the Lions Share of the Material Recorded Being Sent Through the Middle"

Naw,...I don't really know what that means, but I can take a good guess

2nd Commandent: "All front speakers should be as close to the same as possible"

If my mains comfortably play to 60hz, then, dang it, I'd like my center to at least do the same. I've seen shots of movie mixing labs, and they usually have the same three speakers across the front. Makes sense

"I" also like to have "All" of the voices in the center and not sneaking a bit into the sub. Used to was, when I had my system crossed at 80hz, some(few)voice components would sneak into the sub now and again. (very annoying)

So, what I want, is a center that contains all of the voices with excellent intelligability, that produces enough bass so that if an explosion happens in the center channel only, that it is firmly anchored with the other full-range material recorded, right in the center of the screen. I also want the center to sound "Exactly" like the mains. Not just a "Good Match"(yeah,...like the room is gonna always allow That)

Also, if I sit a few degrees off "on-axis" I don't want the center to sound like a different speaker than what I usually listen to.

(Actually, My M3 mates very well with my M50s and pretty well satisfies all "my" requirements)


I'll have my burger with swiss cheese please, and a little wasabe/ranch dressing.

Aw,...add all the fixins'