
For clarification, when I select bitstream from the Toshiba or Raw on the Oppo, I do have all channels. Same thing if I run six channel analogue.

Not sure if this helps but I have a non-HD Toshiba player and I too had to make sure I changed its audio output options to Bitstream verses PCM.

Otherwise, my receiver also said the signal it's getting is Stereo and although I could choose to run DOLBY PLII encoders in order to turn it into 'best guess' surround sound. Although it's a digital format, it seems to be a stereo only digital format, thus two channels.)

Someone who actually knows something can define PCM better for you. However, my recent learnings about it tell me that PCM is a long standing digital format and that it is used for CDs and/or .wav files. However, I'm pretty sure it is not used to encode any type of 5.1 format but I could be wrong.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.