
Need more info to diagnose your problem.

Multi-chanel PCM in a lossless format can only be transmitted via HDMI. If you select bitstream on your dvd player, I'm at a loss why your receiver would not recognize it.

I have no clue either...perhaps the light I saw that came on had nothing to do with surround sound.

From reading on the internet, I am pretty sure that what I was getting was bitstream, I know for a fact that the surrounds were working correctly, and I know that dialog was coming out of the centre channel, so that means 5.1.

I may have made a mistake in what I saw.

On another note regarding the EP500. I suspect I was running it a little too hot, the test tone on the Yamaha is pretty bad compared to the LFE I get on DVDs. I could barely hear the test tone on the Yamaha, but when I popsed in LOTR, my whole living room was shaking from the ring drop in the opening scene.

Is this normal? I am going to pick up/borrow Avia from a friend regardless, just wondering why the Yamaha Test Tone is so crappy for the sub? Anyone else encounter this?

I may aswell keep asking questions in this thread instead of starting a new one...

When I was watching The Matrix last night, there was scenes in the movie when the audio was just too cluttered/muddy sounding, especially when the Sentinals were breaching the hull at the end of the movie, it was like there was so much sound at once that nothing could be distinguished.

Does this have to do with proper calibration of the system? (Which I haven't done with an SPL meter yet)

In conclusion, I must say the M22s blow my away...I watched some Battle Star Gallactica afterwards, i love the musical score on that series...the M22s presented such an airy natural sound from the score on that soundtrack, I was taken back...

Incredible sounding, I can't wait to go home tonite and listen to some piano CD's for relaxation.

Last edited by Hutzal; 01/29/07 05:04 PM.

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