Thank you again and no problem. Axiom is very lucky to have such an enthusiastic clientiele! A big "high five" to people like jakewash who open their homes so others can experience a truly remarkable product!

A nice night out away from the hub-bub of daily chores usually works for my wife, as a suggestion. Please tell her the pleasure was all mine. You have a very lovely family and home...that and great system, who could ask for more!?

Enjoyed the system immensely...especially the QS8's! Denon was one of the AV-R's that I was considering. I chose the Pioneer 81 Elite as it was first to come on sale! Yours wasn't hard to figure out, nicely laid out with very decent sound...but hey, that's Denon! But, being unfamiliar with it I wasn't sure of your settings. Had you done any calibration? Or, even what your current settings were? Didn't want to play or mess up anything.

You mentioned "lay-away" in your pm...didn't think of that! I'll have to enquire with Axiom about this since I don't have all...most, but not monies for the upgrade yet.

Keep me posted about your new system as I would definitely be interested in a listen.