>>The only exception I can think of would be totally inadequate channel separation (less than, say, 30 dB) between the left and right channels of a stereo device, which is hardly ever the case—and certainly not when high-end components are being discussed by said reviewers.

This would probably be a good time to point out that the "alleged differences in sound" discussed here have rarely been between two sets of high-end equipment, but rather when going from a typical AV receiver to what would be considered "high end" electronics.

My take on all this is that as a group we need to arrange access to the equipment required to perform proper A/B testing of electronics, or we are going to be stuck tossing theories back and forth forever. Are there any inexpensive off-the-shelf solutions for simultaneously switching line-level inputs and speaker outputs ? Do we feel that using splitter cables to drive both amplification chains simultaneously and switching speakers between the outputs of one amp and the other would suffice ?

Everyone has their own beliefs right now, but without real A/B testing at matched SPLs we're going to have a tough time making any more progress.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8