Sean, way to go on your mix. It's a great disc. I'm going to have to try full albums by several of the artists. On the first listen, I'm really liking:

"+81" by Deerhoof
"A Cloak of Elvenkind" by Marcy Playground
"Broken Household Appliance National Forest" by Grandaddy
"What To Do" by Ok Go
"Bad Education" by Tilly and the Wall
"Gettysburg" by Ratatat

And a lot of the others I'm sure will grow on me. I didn't dislike any of them. It's obvious you listen to a lot of music, and I appreciated the thoughtful notes on every track. I only included notes on some of the ones on my mix, as I just don't have wide enough knowledge to always have something to say.

As I listen to everyone's mixes more and decide which tracks I like the best, I'll be coming back to ask for recommendations on full albums.

Thanks so much for sharing. Hopefully what I've offered is as much of an ear-opener as what you guys have compiled. Very cool stuff!