Originally Posted By: Micah
I wanted to briefly discuss some interesting aspects of Steve's system. Like he pointed out before while we were listening to the music/movies we were listening to it at 100+ db's for most of the audition. But had Steve not had an SPL meter right in front of my face I may not have believed it! This isn't a knock on his set-up or his room in any way mind you, it's just that the music was so clean and free of any distortion what-so-ever that the volume was very deceiving. The only time I would really notice how loud it actually was, was when I would start to mention something to Steve and I couldn't hear myself talk even though I was practically screaming at him!!! \:o

Steve (or Micah),
What was Steve powering his system with? If a single AVR, which? Or what combo of AVR or pre/pro with added separates.

PS. Steve, has your wife been calling you saying Axiomites keep showing up on your doorstep? \:D


"In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they're not."