Originally Posted By: tomtuttle

Even if you chose the wrong mains. \:\)

LOL! ;\)

 Originally Posted By: tomtuttle
I had a similar occurrence with Audyssey and the QS8's (a pretty high xover point). Weird.

So did you change them to 80 Hz? I vaguely remember reading it's OK to manually 'raise' x-overs, but that if you 'lower' them, Audessy does not control that range (like 80Hz - 150Hz on my back QS8's. Anyone confirm or contradict this?

 Originally Posted By: tomtuttle
Will you be using the Ceiling FMB for the QS8's? My inclination would be to use that method AND to angle them a bit.

No FMB's for my ceiling mount application. I want more space than the ceiling clearance FMB's allow (2" not tilted, 3-4" tilted). I am creating my own DIY brackets. I'll post photos when I get into making them. Are your backs tilted? Are your HT pics up on Axiom?

You have a good week end as well.



"In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they're not."