Don't know. But the way i understand it is this: if 1% of the area inside the cone of frequency (on scope) is clipped off the top, then you have a certain level of distortions compared to the original. Let's call it .001%. But as the cone gets higher or wider more of the area of the cone is above the clipping point. Let's say 10% of the total signal making that freq cone is now clipped off. The resulting distortion is higher because a higher percentage of the original source signal is not being reproduced - i.e., more of the signal is clipped off. So you can easily have clipping causing .0016, then .08, then .1, then 1% as the signal gets louder and the amp must clip more and more of the original information.

Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire