He didn't have to presume the superior position. You put yourself in the inferior position with your psychotic ramblings. Seriously, you need to lay off of the political TV/radio/whatever source that you're feeding your brain. It's so clearly poisoning you.

I respect your right to hold a different opinion than me on any topic. However, your paranoid anti-Obama rants are just too much. When you claim that the President of the United States of America is purposefully trying to hurt the country as some sort of conspiracy, you've lost all credibility. Maybe my perspective is skewed - my radar too sensitive - from dealing with psychotic patients all day, but I doubt it. You really make me want to fit you for an aluminum foil hat.

I mean, there's such a significant chasm between "I think his policies are bad, and I disagree" and "I think his policies are purposefully bad as part of a plot to destroy America". The latter is the rant of a psychotic jackass.

There's clearly not going to be any talking sense into you. I give up.

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.