My existing setup is:

2 Stereo Receivers (1 for audio, 1 for video)
4 Big-ass stereo speakers in the four corners of the living room wired ONLY to the audio system
Sitting right on top of the two BA stereo speakers on the side of the room that the TV is on, are 2 bookshelf speakers used only by the video receiver
1 Sub-Woofer wired to the "sub woof out" on the DVD player (I know this is unusual)

One of the "issues" now is that I don't have 5.1 (or anything really like it) for video. Just stereo and BASS.

But this all came up because people were talking about how great some classic albums are that have been remixed in 5.1. That made me wonder where I would have to go to convert my existing mess to modern standards and take advantage of 5.1 technology for both my Audio AND Video uses. There's GOT to be some synergy there.

Compared to most people I know I would be considered a VIDEO addict, though I think in HERE I'm probably pretty moderate. But when it comes to music, I'm totally immersed. I do concert promotions, I have a web-radio show, and on and on.

OK, now I'm just rambling. :/