Well I just had a bit of a chat with Joe at Axiom about this subject.What he said is the M80s are no more difficult to place than the M60's.He said he has put together about 200 sets for differant people and only about 4 gave him any trouble. So if what he said is so(I have no reason to doubt him)it is a fallacy to state otherwise,and he agree's.When told that others have said when buying their speakers that a rep from Axiom had said the 80s were a hard speaker to place and the 60s are much more foregiving it seemed to take him by supprise and he said that is just not so.I also asked if they sound the same and he said at lower levels they are close but with slight differances but when you really push them the 80s simply are a better speaker.When asked why Alan says he had trouble with them Joe told me Alan has a set in a very small room,the problem is not the speaker but the room.


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." Sigmund Freud