I have said it before, owning Axioms is like buying an HDTV.

When you buy an HDTV, you realize that many of the DVDs one owns are no longer watchable because they are not anamorphic or just mastered poorly. However, when one watches a well mastered DVD on an HDTV, it is incredible.

The same goes for music on a pair of Axioms, a well mastered CD will sound incredible but you will realize that many of the other CDs in your collection are actually quite poor.

Hip hop is made to sound good on poor quality speakers in big rooms. By getting rid of your Axioms, you may lose the ability to hear classical music. Is making hip hop music sound better and classical sound worse really going to make you happy? What if you find that after 7 months of listening to Axioms, you do not even like the sound of laid back speakers? I know I am keeping my HDTV and my Axioms.

As they say, ignorance is bliss. Oh, and alot of Hip hop artists have Bose speakers in their car, so maybe that is what would make it sound better to you. Honestly, I am serious, maybe with a slight wink, but I am serious.