I read the Momitsu and Bravo review/opinions at AVS for months before I bought mine and just like you decided that the dissatisfied will always be more vocal. People tend to only make noise when they are complaining and stay quiet when something works. If you listen to those reviews you'd never buy anything.

Just like your Bravo my Momitsu hase performed flawlessly. The Momitsu has completely changed the image quality of DVDs for me. DVDs that were hard to watch on my 104" screen are now good, and DVDs that looked good before look fantastic. The Momitsu connected with a DVI cable is the closest thing I've seen to HD thats not HD. It's not HD quality but it sure is close. In the past I would watch HD then switch to a DVD and feel like DVD was really bad. The Momitsu adds depth and detail to the image ALMOST like HD does. Note I said almst. I couldn't be happier with my purchase.