Jimmy1 - let's cut down on the accusatory and harsh language. When you make your introduction to these message boards with a post that, in nearly its first line, calls someone a "shill," we're off on the wrong foot.

Find another way to express yourself, please, without resorting to such name calling. The latin thinkers call what you have just done the "ad hominim fallacy" - that is attacking the person instead of his argument. I don't disagree about your points. We need to make sure that we have all of the information before we allow ourselves to be blindly led into a conclusion by someone with a particular agenda. But there's a better way to communicate this warning than to call someone a "shill."

Put a cap on that flame thrower for a bit, and try to be a little more constructive (as opposed to destructive). We can all spot a flamer from a mile away, and you're blazing red hot right now.

So, if you're really interested in having a constructive conversation, I don't think it would be too much to ask, as a sign of good faith, that you apologize to BlueStater and try to tone down your rhetoric.

Not a sermon, just a note of caution.