RSX1055 will live a long time. Rotel makes outstanding products and they sound good and powerful. The 1055 also has a special feature that routes its front amplification to the rear to power a 7.1 setup so that you can get a really good separate power amp and power your fronts in stereo listening mode. This combo will then give you the flexibility of a great sounding HT environment plus you will get the solid performance and class of having separates when listening to music in stereo mode. When Rotel say 70W they mean 70W all channel driven. When listening to 2 channel stereo mode you get about 90-93W of solid clean power. I have the higher RSX1065 but unfortunately it does not have that feature the RSX1055 has. I wish it did so that I could buy 2 mono blocks for my fronts and still route the front amplication to the rears so I do not have to buy an extra 2 channel amp to power my rear surrounds in a 7.1 setup. And at 70W I doubt you will even raise your volume past the 75 mark. It is loud and powerful. I don't think I ever cranked my speakers past 68. Its definitely too loud at that point.
