I have heard the 2 CD set but I have not heard/seen the DVD yet. My co-worker says the CD is very compressed. I could not hear a problem although I listened at work and not through my Axioms. My co-worker also said that the DVD was outstanding both audio and video. I heard on another music site a poster thought the CD and DVD were exactly the same. That said my impressions were that the muscic Gained something and lost something from the original 70's versions of these songs. It lacked some of the fire and raw energy and abandon of the originals. What it gained is, some restraint (a good thing in some ways) and the experience and maturity on their respective instruments that only years of playing will bring. For example Ginger Baker may not be playing with the raw abandon of their earlier releases but at the same time he is never overplaying and what is played is very tasteful and seems just right. Clapton is simply amazing and plays some of the best licks I have heard him play in a long time. Jack Bruce is not in the best voice at all times but it's amazing with his health issues he sounds quite good most of the time. His bass playing is as always outstanding. Much clearer than on some of those old recordings which sometimes sounded like his bass was inside of a quilt or playing through a 18" speaker with a big tear in the surround. Any way the 5.1 makes excellent use of the sub woofer. I liked it very much. But I always felt that the experience with the Cream was about the energy and the pure abandon.

Thay have also released The Complete Farewell Tour on DVD from the 1977. I just might have to have both.


"Life is what happens while your busy making other plans" John Lennon