Boy! I've been struggling with a reply to your questions all day. I'm going to have to take them one at a time.

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Axiom seems very expensive to me and while sound quality maybe something that is appreciated by the audiophile, will it make any difference in my family room were the volume never reaches epic levels?

Relative to HTIBs, and lesser speakers, I can understand Axioms seeming expensive. I know that when I first bought mine I thought I was paying an awful lot. But the reason I went with Axiom was because I felt they were less expensive (MUCH less in some cases) than the other brands I felt were in the same class. "Bang for the buck" is one of the reasons to buy Axioms.

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Will I notice the difference between a good Axiom system and a JBL 300.7 HTIB? If I can get 90% of the sound for 30% of the price then Axiom or anyone else who is High endish will be a no go.

I owned a JBL HTIB shortly before I bought my Axioms. It was a 5.1 predecessor to the 300.7 which I have to admit I've never heard. BUT, based on my experience with my JBL HTIB, I'd wager the farm that for 30% of the price of Axioms, you're going to get 30%, or even less, of Axiom performance. The Axioms were impressively better than anything I'd ever owned.

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I've been out to listen to several systems in the stores but I'm not convinced of thier honesty in setups, etc.

OH GOOD FOR YOU! I don't believe (or, at least I HOPE) most dealers are going to try to trick you, but I know for a fact it DOES happen. Your skepticism is wise. One of the advantages of Axioms and other internet only brands (IO) is that you can try them in your own room, with your own equipment, set up the way you want them. The downside to that is that you'd have to pay return shipping (only to Buffalo where Axiom has a return depot). For this reason, it is recommended you initially order only a pair of the main speakers in which you are interested (M80s, M60s, M50s,M22s, etc.), to see if the Axiom sound is for you. Then if you are impressed enough with their sound go ahead and order the center and surrounds. If you do this all within the 30 day trial period, and you feel you've made a mistake, you can still return the package for only return shipping.

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I'd feel strange about trooping into someones home for an audition but I will check that out on the forums, see who's around.

Trust me. You mustn't feel the least bit strange about going for an audition. Most of us are quite proud of our systems and are dying to show off them off (dust and all ). It's a hobby we love. Only those who are willing volunteer for demos, and we all know that the Axiom sound isn't for everybody, so you needn't fear offending anyone.

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I imagine I waiting to hear someone say that their sound system is sent directly from heaven and those without it are just suckers.

LOL! Well, while many of us may feel that way about our systems, we'd feel a little foolish coming out with that. And frankly, were I you, I'd be wary of anyone who did. There are several things we've learned by immersing ourselves in this hobby. One, there is no such thing as the perfect speaker. And, two, while we love our own, there are many speakers out there that are also excellent products. Speaker choice is very subjective. The one I love, you might loathe, and vice versa.

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So will it realy make a difference today? I know this is a question I must answer for myself so I want to pick from 2 good systems. If Axiom makes a much better product than Orb Audio or Mirage then its what I should try out in my home.

As you wisely point out, that's a question you must answer for yourself. But I'd be ver surprised if it didn't make a difference today. I don't know anything about the Orbs or Mirages or the YSP, or what you've owned before. But, I CAN tell you the Axioms took me into a whole new ballpark. And while they may seem expensive to you, they are a better value than most of the others in that ballpark.

Your room is not a small room. Whatever direction you go in, think about a larger subwoofer than the 125. You have a good amount of air to move in that space. If the budget won't allow that, then go with what it will allow, and don't worry about it.

I know I must be sounding like a salesman through this monologue, but the truth is, I don't even own Axioms anymore (It's a long story. And trust me, you don't want to hear it). But I've stuck around because I found so many good friends here, and because I believe in Axiom's people and products.

Are Axioms for you? "You know who" is the only one that can answer that.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton