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Wow thanks for all the input, it's so nice to hear from people who say things other than... Get RoCkeT TykeS, they are da Bomb!!!

g3t Ax10m m8oZ... Th3y r teh bomm!!!!!11111one!!!

Anyway, enough of that... you'll keep getting upsold by everyone, by salesmen who want to make more money off you, and by guys here that are just looking out for your best interest (and have been there - with blown budgets) I don't really recall anyone feeling rooked after blowing a budget on Axiom equipment. I was originally looking at Paradigms when I got highjacked by a mention of Axioms online (a head-to-head comparison from somewhere)... I vaguely knew the name, so I checked out the site, realized no one near me carried them and thought "not a chance I'm buying these sound-unheard" but this forum (mostly Alan) and a phone conversation with Brent really sold me. Glad they did and I'm not stuck with something just a step up from the HTIB experience.

By the way, I've heard the Hsu Ventriloquist series and, uh, well, Hsu makes good subs.

Bren R.