Wow thanks for all the input, it's so nice to hear from people who say things other than.

Get RoCkeT TykeS, they are da Bomb!!!

I'm glad to hear from everyone here that the difference between a $300 system and a $2000 home theatre is very noticeable. I've been reading alot on the net and after a while you get the feeling that people can get very picky. Many reviewers talk about how they missed audio in the X KHz range and I start thinking these guys are not like me. I think, either I'm going deaf or I can't descrimate sound properly.

The system I buy will follow several weeks of nothing but the in unit TV speakers (before I gave them away I had Wharfedale Modus 5's - I think). Ack! Maybe I am loosing hearing because every line sounds like mud.

Seriously though I appreciate all of your input and while I feel that bang for the buck Axiom are if not the very best out there than they are so close to the best that it doesn't matter.

Internet consensus agrees that Axiom is da Bomb.

The wife however does not. She likes Orbs. I'm sure I will as well. I think when I've got a real theatre in a real house I will revisit Axiom.

A couple more things, I love that axiom will do a custom finish. I can't believe other companies do not do the same, to expensive for me though. As for the DIY comment, perhaps I should have said that Axioms style is simple, straight forward, no nonsense serious hardware. I do not dislike the Axiom appearance, but I will freely admit I have a sweet spot for plastic whiz bangs, I did buy a YSP-1. I also own a Mazda RX8. Style over substance is character defect I've come to enjoy in myself.

The other factor is cost. I simply can't go half way with Axiom. I keep winding up with a cart containing:

FMSQS Stands
FMS24 Stands
Pair M2i Bookshelf Speaker
Pair QS4 Surrounds
VP150 Center
EP175 Powered Subwoofer

How did I get to $1952.25 and still no receiver or cables and what about a pair M50ti's ???

So I'm thinking I will probably wind up with orbs. They've gotten rave review in fact I've only come across one posting which was negative. The poster claim something about the speakers having no mid range. Other than that one post it's all praise.

Orbs are modular / upgradeable which is a big plus for me.

I can return them if I don't like them same as axiom, which is another huge plus.

I think the main thing is the WAF. "They are cute and little."

I don't want this to turn into an ad for another company in part because I'm a huge fan of companies like Axiom, they raise the bar for everyone. This board is an example of that, few other companies will allow this kind of posting for fear of bad word of mouth. It is a sign to me how good this company is that it even has a BBS where this discussion can take place.

If things don't work with the Orbs, Ill be buying from Axiom.

Thanks Everyone!