In reply to:

Once again, Jack you are correct.

I know! I know! It's depressing. Who the hell IS that old guy. It surely isn't me. I'm the guy with the guitar in the first photo.

In reply to:

Oh and tell Lynnie sne has a fan in Atlanta. Liked her as a Brunette and still like her as a blonde.

OK, Now I'm confused.

New Community Singers photo:
Blond = Mirabai (nee Deborah)
Brunette = Donna

Old Goat photo :
Brunette = Lynnie
Blond = Donna

Ergo, Donna is the brunette in first photo, but has morphed into the blond in the second. And Oz, She's available!

In reply to:

Your just a lucky so and so.

Absolutely true, Oz. Good friends are worth their weight in gold. Good OLD friends are priceless and irreplaceable. Good old friends that look THAT good? Well..................fugedaboudit!


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton