At the significant and calculated risk of offering unfounded conjecture...

Bruce, I think that's overkill for a couple reasons. First, one of the key design goals of Axiom speakers (as I understand it) is even dispersion. That is, they are intended to deliver very smooth, even response even off-axis (to a point, of course).

Second, and more importantly, where the speakers are mounted relative to not only each other and the listener but also the room boundaries is going to make a much bigger difference than toe-in. Room interaction (especially with side walls) remains the forgotten component.

I remember reading that Ian was emphatic that the whole "swiveling tweeter" idea could only make the sonic image fuzzier. If it were me, I'd just try to find some sensible mounting positions away from the side wall and be happy.

Now, hurry up and buy them, take some pictures and give us a full report.

bibere usque ad hilaritatem