I'm not saying they are perfect in any way. DRM is what it is. I'm a bit torn by the issue really. The RIAA is basically crap. But they do have a point TO A CERTAIN EXTENT. And sure songs BOUGHT from ITMS have DRM but you aren't restricted to using only songs from ITMS.

Ah yes, I remember when RISC was relevant. And the classic Mac. No SMP. No PMT. Horrible memory management. Still a nice OS though. I love OSX personally. Real OS (BSD, NOT Linux) underneath, cool MAC GUI on top. Can't get enough of running a shell term on Mac. As far as the switch, well they could contiue to wait while IBM moves at their own pace on product development meanwhile paying a premium for relatively small-production-run chips or start buying commodity chips. The computer industry runs at incredibly thin margins as it is, and this will give Apple some breathing room and probably allow them to get more competitive in system pricing. Plus the new mobile processors from Intel are very nice indeed, thank you very much. More power and less power consumption than any G4 in Powerbook. And where is the mobile G5? Oh yeah, IBM twiddled it's thumbs and never really tried to "mobilize" the G5. Oh well.

As far a iPod problems well I don't think one has exploded on landing killing 68 people. Oh the humanity. Haven't met the perfect MP3 player yet. As far as hipster-targeted, well Apple made the market. Remeber that Steve Jobs considers himself a connoisseur of industrial design. From the Apple II through to the Mac, Powerbook, iMac, Mini, iPod, etc they have always had cutting-edge engineering and elegant design. I don't think the pod is really any different. Just that as General Sherman said they got there "fustest with the mostest."

Finally don't worry about picking on me. I can take it and am as stubborn and opinionated as anyone here. What was that SNL skit? "Who's More Grizzled?"

"That's some catch, that Catch-22." "It's the best there is." M22ti VP150 EP350 QS8 M3Ti