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I love how you talk about glutting the market and 300 Mac users in the same post. 5% of the total market ain't half bad for one company...


They get critiqued for being so small, and so big! And you do both in one post! Incredible!

The glut I refer to is in the personal players market... the 300 Mac users is in the computer market.

Remember - they've got a few irons in the pot... hardware, OS, software, standalone electronics, music reseller. They can be big in one area, and small in another. And good in one area and bad in another.

Take HP for instance - great graphing calculators, incredible desktop printing solutions, mediocre scanners, and pretty much everything else they brand/sell is complete crap. I've got a point-and-shoot digital cam of theirs for quick product shots for emailing - has a driver that completely craps out the Windows volume tracker - makes fixed discs disappear. Bra-vo. You screw up your DRIVER that badly? Tsk! And HP laptops - one of my guys had one... accidentally hit the key-combination to park the drive heads... they're still parked... in a landfill here somewhere.

Bren R.