Wow, I'm overwhelmed. Thank you all for the nice comments!

Chess - you didn't look very closely In the 3rd picture I posted showing the microwave & cabinet area, the black thing sitting between the cabinets is a 4.4 cu. ft. fridge. It is already stocked with adult beverages to lubricate the enjoyment of the HT experience.

Mary, I did not do it all myself by any means. Last year a friend (also named Ray) was acting as his own general contractor and building his retirement home on Seneca Lake (one of the Finger Lakes) about an hour south of here. I offered and he accepted my help for 4 long days of painting. When I mentioned to him in October that I was going to look for contractors to do the basement for me, he magnanimously said - "Aw, you and I can do it". My jaw dropped.

He has excellent skills and ALL of the tools. All told, we spent only seven 9-11hour days together in the basement since the first weekend in January with him directing/planning and me doing what he said. I spent countless more hours doing other things that didn't require his skills. We probably have a couple of evenings left together and I'll have a couple of other days, then it will be done. He is an absolute treasure.

Gena, the water alarm idea sounds like a winner - thanks! The house was wired to accept a generator (one of the lines is for the sump pump), so I ahave a generator on the planned purchases list.