Actually, Jack and I both posted back when to explain the switch to the Rockets. We both loved the Axioms (and still do) - they are a great value and deliver wonderful audio.

In short, Jack received a set of Rockets as a gift. I was visiting the weekend he got them and met the owner of av123. They are substantially more expensive than the Axioms and deliver a bit more audio. I love the furniture/wood finish of the Rockets and I was offered a price for the set of that I really couldn't pass up and , so I got them (getting an offer for my Axioms pushed me over the edge ). Plus, the 850s really face off against the M80s rather than the M60s, so it was also a quasi-upgrade.

Neither of us have ever spent time verbalizing a comparison because that would be an injustice to both sets. Each have their merits and they both deliver well beyond their price.