I know what you mean, rapmon. There's lots of dreck out there on DVD, and it's only getting worse. Oh well, there's bound to be someone that's got to have Petticoat Junction, but dang if it ain't me. Although from my verbage, you might suspect it wuz.

I only have the Simpsons on DVD because they're just that good. I am not watching them much now because new episodes are still coming out, but it's nice to know that I own the DVDs for later use. Plus, f107 was right, the collector bug is a strong one.

An option that I haven't explored myself is watching the DVDs via Netflix. I belong to Netflix, but use it in the traditional way, for movies and the occasional concert DVD. A friend, though, just watched all 5 years of Six Feet Under (great show, very psychologically rich) in the last couple of months. Even at Costco, those DVDs would have cost $400, and Netflix is only $20 per month, or so.

And I know what you mean about commercials; since I got my DirecTV with Tivo, life has been a lot more swell.

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.