
I was looking at a different Sandisk MP3 player on Futureshop and one of the comments in the reviews says to change the mode from autodetect to MSC and then you should be able to drag and drop files from Windows explorer to the player. Hopefully this helps.

The help is appreciated, think she's coming over this week while she's off school, we'll try that.

She has managed to hobble it into working... keeping a specific folder full of songs that "should" be on the player on her hard drive and syncing from that. Still a bit less than optimal, but sort of working for now.

She's young... and used to GUIs programmed by drunken monkeys... I grew up with software written by guys like Jim Butterfield and Steve Gibson... those guys could do more with keyboard commands than most programmers can do now with their nested menus and alpha blending and their cha-cha-cha and do-re-mi. This frustrates me more than her... I'm guessing the same way things like having to remove inner fender wells to replace car batteries used to frustrate my auto instructor.

Bren R.