I once again come hat-in-hand to you great folks, looking for some help on selecting a new tv. To give a bit of the background story, i currently own an older model 36" flat screen tube tv that is in our upstairs living room. The room isn't very large and once i finish up the basement, it will be moving to that location (but it too won't be long for the world; i'll be looking for a replacement for it soon after). So that move leaves us short a tv in our living room/open kitchen area that gets the majority of use.

I haven't done any thorough research on the decision, but i have browsed some different shop displays. At this point i'd probably lean towards something in the 36-46" range, probably an LCD (I like the look of the Samsung, both pic and aesthetics but otherwise no bias towards any one brand). Small footprint is definitely a must, it will need to support large viewing angles and also can't be subject to washout since the room has numerous windows and won't be light controlled. The other question would be resolution and since i'm looking at smaller sets, i don't see a compelling reason to look for anything better than 720p (looks like primarily 768 on the LCDs). This should save me a few bucks. Price-wise i wouldn't say there is really a limit, though i'd like to keep total cost to not much more than $2K Canadian.

Anyone have any suggestions/comments/ideas?

"Chickens don't clap."