Well pmbuko, sorry if you think talking about M3s or a $20 amplifier is bragging.

I'm a music lover, and do not engage in the sort of self gratification you seem to have a special interest in.

I don't think you can find an insult of any Axiom product in anything I say, unless you consider my preference for the M3s over other Axiom products an insult to those products. But, that wouldn't really be rational, would it?

I don't speak for Axiom's philosophy except to suggest that Axiom makes superb speakers at excellent and modest price points. I wasn't suggesting that Axiom make "cheap knock offs" of my favorite speakers, although I suppose someone with a bargain basement mentality might see it that way. What I was suggesting is that there are wonderful sounding speakers which are even better than the Axioms we know and love ... and that I believe Axiom could build book shelf speakers which can match the smoothness, the timbre, and those distinctively beautiful audio qualities which elevate some Harbeths, some Spendors, the Reference 3a de capo to best-on-the-planet status.

So, pmbuko, I know what your problem is and why you sort of stalk my posts ever since your anti-Israeli and pro suicide bomber screeds you engaged in years past. Why don't you just give it a rest and move along.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.