Yes I have already built and installed Superchunk bass traps in 2 of the corners. Built with Roxul safe and sound triangles from the floor all the way up to the ceiling. Then covered with some black acoustically transparent material.

The impact on the sound was very minimal for me. It slightly improved on the echo in the room, it thighened things up a bit, but it did not improve my lack of bass energy.

I also have my listening position 38% from the back wall, I tried the from the front wall but I was way to close to the speakers, or the speakers were to close to each other so that did not work.

So, I am sitting in the proper spot, I have 2 large superchunk bass traps, and I still have the same issue I always had.. no bass in the 60ish to 90ish range.

I have carpet on the concrete floor, which seemed to be absorbing a lot of my high end, according to the graph anyways. The highs sound ok to me, but they roll off quite early on the real time analysis.

The way I understand it, the concrete floor is the main culprit in sucking out the bass energy and therefore create that huge dip. The raised floor provides decoupling and mass to the floor surface, increasing the bass energy. That's the theory anyways.

I listened to and incorporated a lot of your excellent sugestions and leveraged your experiences, but I was still not getting the results that I am after. I felt that I had tried everything I could and it was time to bring in a pro to get to the bottom of it (pun intended) once and for all.

The cost factor is not really an issue, within reason of course, but I'm not looking to save money, I'm looking to fix the problem so that I can finally enjoy the full capabilities of my equipment.


Acoustic Zen Adagio, Veritas center, Axiom EP500, QS8s, Anthem AVM20, MC20,Adcom GFA7400