
I went home early, ie: before the rest of the fam, and moved my speakers / listening positions in places that I could never leave it that way, but I wanted to know.

Sound did not improve..BUT.. when I put everything back to the " way it was" my speakers were a bit further from the back wall and it sounded better, more bass.. So I played with that for about an hour and I got them in a position where they produce a very good amount of bass..the overall sound is not perfect, but more bass traps / treatments should take care of that..Point being that moving my mains further away from the wall(s) did produce a much better bass response, very acceptable indeed.. So, I guess I don't need to build a raised floor afterall .

The middle of the transducers are 26 inches from the side walls and 46 inches from the back wall.

I think I am starting to actually see the sound waves paterns of my room in my mind !!!!very scary.

Thanks Guys for all the helpfull advice and sugestions.

Acoustic Zen Adagio, Veritas center, Axiom EP500, QS8s, Anthem AVM20, MC20,Adcom GFA7400