
Hi Chesseroo, No, not at all....My article was really meant to stimulate discussion about various approaches to the recording and playback environments.

Though i was just musing over Amie's curious question to the crowd (and stirring discussions are always fun, that much i know, ) but come on Alan...feed the wolves some gossip here eh?
Gossip doesn't always have to be true.

Maybe Amie has some gossip going around the factory.
I hear 'someone' might be pregnant and they don't know who the father is.
Oh, here's another good one, did you hear that 'someone' in the paint room may be having an affair with 'someone' down on the shop floor?
No,no, here's a good one. I heard that Bigwill is moving to China, JohnK bought a tube amp and Peter has foresaken computers forever.

Just kidding.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."