Why is it that true double-blind testing is not in your internet vocabulary? Your responses seem to ignore its existence and validity. If some tests were done and were in your favor, I'm sure we'd all be hearing about it.

It's interesting that the reviewer you linked to admitted not having an ummodded HK to compare to, yet gives the modded unit a glowing review!! Should we believe him 'just cuz'? Makes no sense to me, no matter how many reviews he's done or how 'well respected' he is.

I'm not sure what you were alluding to when you referred to "possible deficient speakers used", but I believe Mojo was using M80's. (Correct me Mojo if you did have an issue)

Link me to something, anything showing a double blind testing where results show that exotically priced amplifiers are sonically superior to moderately priced amps / receivers (at soft to moderate sound levels), and I'll seriously consider your point of view. All I've ever seen, read, and experienced has been the opposite.

Until that time, it's all "Cause I and some others say so"...or "I hear it, you may not."

I respect your right to believe what you choose to, but to me it's clear and makes sense... it's "wishful hearing" until I'm shown plainly otherwise.

Epic 80 / SVS PB13 Ultra
Denon 3805 / M2200 Outlaw Monos /
Sammy 55" LED