Mt DLP is 4 years old and it is the second or maybe even the 3rd generation set from Samsung. Out of the box it was really quite good IMO. But I read all the statements from others who had their's done so I paid for a "paper" calibration from an ISF certified person who worked on several of my exact model and he said that the most important settings were nearly identical in all of them. It cost me about 25% of the normal price and I applied the changes myself and the results were very good. Were they better than OTB??? I would have to say yes, but not that much better.

I think in the early days when all these HD-TV's started coming out the manufacturers didn't know how to set them up properly. After many years of complaints, and people returning the sets because they looked like crap, the manufacturers realized that if they expected people to pay mucho $$$$$ for a TV, then it better look good OTB.

So while an ISF may have been needed 4 or 5 years ago, I think that today the need is much less. Just my experience.

Last edited by Joey; 07/30/07 05:03 PM.