Yes it makes sense. You DO NOT need to run a toslink from the DVD to the TV to the processor. Just run the toslink from the DVD straight to the processor and make sure that you choose the correct digital/sound input on your processor when watching a DVD.

I am still in the DVI world and I run all my cables directly to the source where they're needed. Using a universal remote such as the Harmony 550 it will turn on the TV, the DVD player, and the receiver and set them all to the correct inputs with the push of one button. Then you can adjust each unit using the Harmony or the remotes that came with each unit. Personally I only use the Harmony to turn everything on and off, then I use each independant remote. It saves on the battery life of the Harmony. I only purchased the Harmony to make it easy for the wife and any Kitty-sitters >(';')< to watch TV or a movie.

"Tis better to desire that which you do not have, than to have that which you do not desire!"