I think I'm going to leave the close-up shots of the amp up to Axiom. The pictures I had taken are garbage, and now I have the unit actually in the entertainment stand, along with the preamp. There still isn't enough clearance above the preamp to make me feel good about ventilation, but thankfully the vents are at the back of the unit, and I can push it far enough back to stick out the rear of the stand. The stand is away from the wall a fair amount, so I'm thinking there will be enough ventilation now. It doesn't look great, but at least it gets those units off of my floor.

I'll take new pictures of my setup sometime this week, so at least you'll have that. I'll post them in the old thread about my system with the old photos. Not a lot about the layout has changed, just equipment.

I'd better take the pictures today, with Halo 3 coming out Tuesday.