((Damn preview! I look at it then forget to press [Send]. LOL retyping.....))

I was going to add that you should take care when you clean up the mouse droppings. Some, mostly Deer Mice, can get infected with hantavirus. A nasty respiratory illness that can be fatal to humans but doesn't bother the mice. Figures...

I couldn't remember how to spot a deer mouse from a regular mouse so I Googled and this article tells how to spot the White Bellied & Bug Eyed critters (I see a few scary old men looking like that at the beach in the summer.) Also good tips on how to clean up the droppings without breathing in the dangerous dust. Not sure how big a risk this is in your area but it's a good opportunity to wear a hepa filter, face mask and scare your wife.


So no guilt in trapping and killing. Use poison, traps, a good cat, whatever. But you have to keep up the routine or more will move in when the others are gone.

On a lighter note, when I was shingling my old house a few years ago, our cat brought me a mouse every day when I was working outside. Dropped them right at my boots every day between 11:30 and 1:00, just in time for lunch.

Last edited by Murph; 10/29/07 05:17 PM.

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