I just read back through the thread - can't believe I didn't already tell you about the perfect mousetrap! (at least, perfect for easily-grossed-out-me).

1 bucket
1 coat hanger
A little duct tape
1 pop can (soda can if you're making it south of the 49th parallel)
1 tablespoon peanut butter

Fill aforementioned bucket about 3/4 full. Drink cold beverage from can, and puncture a hole in the middle of the bottom. Thread the can on the straightened-out coat hanger and afix the hanger firmly to the bucket. Smear peanut butter on the can.

This whole process takes as long to type as to achieve.

Now mousey runs out to get the peanut butter, the can spins wildly, and mousey drops into water. To remove carcass, just pitch the water.

During the last bad mouse year, the local resort was catching 4 or 5 in a bucket every night.