We place a hedgeapple next to the door every fall. No Idea if it works or not, but that's what we do.
I had a mouse problem in my tool box at work a few years back. Like an idiot I kept cookies in the "clean" drawer. The little darlings found out and strapped on the feedbag, every night. When the cookies disappeared they kept on eating, paperwork, pens, even medication. They went medivel on my sinutab- nothing like a congested rodent. \:\/ I actually resorted to traps in the dam toolbox. When I finally caught one it took off with the trap and died. Couldn't find that stinkin' bastard to save my life, stunk like mad. Finally found the trap and carcass months later several drawers down under the liner.
Anyway, you might try the hedgeapples- conversation piece if nothing else.