Originally Posted By: MarkSJohnson
Welcome, Steve!

Fantastic room you've got there! Oh, and, ummmm, fantastic wife you've got there!

Tell us a bit about the sound panels....

Hi Mark. I'm blessed with a great roo.. er, I mean wife! ;\)

The black panels are ATS Acoustics panels. They are staggered 2" and 4" thick along the side walls to break things up. They are high density fiberglass wrapped in burlap. The burgundy panels are Auralex foam, and I added them to bring the colors together (I also made a burgundy diamond on the ceiling between the prime seating space and the speakers to absorb that reflection, but it's not in any picture I have posted yet).

LFR1100 Actives,QS10HPx2,QS8x2,EP800,M3x4,M3x2 (Wood),M5HPx2 (Wood),AxiomAir,ADA1500-8,ADA1500-7