I am in the same situation. I ordered my speakers on the 13th (2xM22, VP150, 2xQS4, M2). I got an email from Noreen on the 16th. Until today all I got to look at was "package data transmitted" and now is says "Shipment Exception" due to improper paper work. I have been emailing Noreen and she said things should be moving forward now. The funny thing is that it still lists the delivery date as tomorrow. I did call FedEx to see if I could get more information, no such luck (they basically are looking at the same screen I was). I did find out that I have a commitment date of the 29th.

As this is my first Axiom purchase I sure wish it was going smoother. I was hoping to have my "theater" set up for some viewing this memorial day weekend but its looking pretty grim right now. If my order doesn't get here until the 29th, it will have been 16 days from my original order date.

 Originally Posted By: Max3
Bad news....my speakers are now delayed until 'no sooner than next tuesday.' The reason was 'paperwork problems.' I placed the order on the 14th, 7 days later they are 'on their way.' Not too happy about it I must admit. Anyhow, should probably stop before I start ranting.