Another welcome TooManyCables. I agree with the doc. The M22s would do quite well in your space. When I compared the M22+EP350 to the M60 I found them to be very similar (except for the lower bass the EP350 delivered.

Some have found the M22 a little thin compered to the M60, but in a room your size I don't think that would be the case.

The EP350 is an absolute must. The 175 just dosn't deliver enough bass, even in a room your size. When listening to LOTR, the 175 at full volume did not give much rumble and shake in a 20x12x8 room. The 350 at 1/3 was quite an experience!

Check out the hearing things forum to see if there is anyone in your area that can give you an audition on either the M22 or M60.

Whatever you choose, you are in for a treat compared to the Altecs.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!