Originally Posted By: dewd
 Originally Posted By: JonHan
I just set up a Denon AVR-789 (1909) that has Audyssey MultiEQ,
Dynamic EQ and Dynamic Volume. When running the MultiEQ setup
the suggestion is to set the sub volume to the mid point and
turn off the LPF. My result was everything sounded flat/ muted
and the bass was very boomy, didn't like it. Now back to good
old manual SPL meter setup. I would like to try the Audyssey
again to get the Dynamic Vol capability, but need to find other
Axiom users who have had good success and how they did it.

You may have had your sub too loud to start. What was trim set for the sub after running Audyssey? Did you use a tripod? Close to the wall? There are a few things that can cause bad results.

I am extremely pleased with my results after running MultEQ XT on my Onkyo 705. I have M60s, VP150, 4 QS8s, and an SVS PB12 Ultra/2. The bass is not boomy, nor is it non existent It is there when it is supposed to be and very powerful when it needs to be.

After reading many posts on the AVS/789/Audyssey forum I'm
going to attempt this again. I think my vol level on the
EP500 was too low and I had its xover at 80 instead of bypass
or 150. Also I will spread out my mic placement points.
I used the rectangle type 6 point spread from the doc. Instead
I'll add 2 points a little further to the sides, as I normally have seating positions there, just not too far. Mine is a
difficult room (lots of hard surfaces) and I'm looking to
Audyssey for help.
