The best thing I can suggest to you John is that if you don’t like the sound of it just don’t use it. I think it works fine for most people but it made my speakers sound like crap. By copying the EQ curve to the manual EQ on my Denon I was able to see that Audyssey was setting the frequencies around 150-500Hz to anywhere from about -6dB to -9dB making them all my speakers sound hollow and tinny. Perhaps something in my equipment like the mic is defective because I tried everything including resetting the factory defaults in the receiver and starting from scratch. I finally got tired of wasting my time with it and now just use the auto setup to set speaker distances. I will give it a try again when I move to another room but for now Audyssey is out.

I wish I could be more help but my only solution was to stop using it for now.

P.S What the Doc said!

Last edited by grunt; 11/28/08 09:40 PM.

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