I'm going to tweak around with Audyssey this weekend, and I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same sound that I get when Audyssey is on. I find when it is on (stereo mode), it really enunciates the highs, almost sounds "bright" if you will. When I switch Audyssey on and off during playback the difference in sound is very noticeable. I know the sound is up to one's taste, but do you think it's taking away from the natural sound of my M80s?

Also, I'm having some issues with my EP500 (LFE is very localized again) so hopefully I will be able to get someone to take some pictures of its location that I can post with a description of what's going on.

Any input regarding Audyssey would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys and gals

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.