SK - I think the Best Buy and CC crews vary significantly from one location to another. My experience with BB's custom install shop was not impressive, but in my case it came down to poor customer service more than technical incompetence.

Long story short, I paid $100 for their in-home consultation. They came, did a big review (and the guy who came seemed competent, though he had a very limited selection of equipment from which he chose his recommendations -- i.e. things Best Buy sold lots of). Thereafter, I never heard from him again with his final recommendations and proposal. After 2 weeks, I went in and asked for my money back, and to their credit they apologized and gave it to me.

With that diatribe out of the way, if you don't feel comfortable doing the wire fishing and don't mind spending a few hundred dollars for someone to do the wiring, I'd at least recommend you find a Best Buy with a "Magnolia" custom installers department as I found the teams there a lot more competent than the normal in-store BB guys. I believe they had a package price for a 5 or 7 speaker wire and install at the time that was between $300 and $500.

If the holes hadn't been pre-drilled in my room, I would have hired it out as well as I'm pretty sure I could not have wired them cleanly myself.


Epic 80-800: HG Cherry