Thanks for the help guys.

Not sure what the Router Model number is. I need to pull it out to see. I'll do that tomorrow. I need the serial number anyway.....

I have the Duet.

I am following the set up instructions on the SD Wiki sight.

I don’t need, or really want to access the server from anywhere but my home. I’m just following these recommendations……..
Using a computer other than your server start a browser and point it at a website on your server. There are various ways of doing this http://<your_server_name>:9000 or using the TCP/IP address for example The first time you do this a 'wizard' will run that helps you to correctly configure your new SqueezeCenter. The element that is important for Windows Home Server is the location of your music files. There are two or three ways to specify this but the preferred method is to use a UNC. A UNC is similar to a URL in concept.

Assuming that you have stored your music files under the music shared folder then the UNC will be: //<your server name>/music you can also point it to folders lower down the heirachy //<your server name>/music/flac Whilst this is highly recommended you can if necessary use a normal windows drive reference. In this case use D:\shares\music Microsoft note that they may change the location of the shared folders within the disk hierachy in the future and this would obviously break your configuration. Another advantage to using the UNC is that the path specified should be the same for all computers on your network. This allows any playlists you create to be used by both SqueezeCenter and other applications on the network.