Well of course I have run audyssey and programmed the harmony one remote, so far the results seem pretty nice, I was afraid of the manual from all the horror stories I had heard, however I must admit the basic layout of the manual, gui, and remotes (used in tandem to get all the hard buttons) was actually better than the 663 manual, gui, and remote.

Having trouble hooking up 3808 to the home network, I get the message from the Denon "network problem," no additional info provided. I have run a quick search, "3808 network problem" on Axiom forum SE and standard Google and come up with nothing much. Can anyone point me to a thread where I figure out what's up? I am running an AT&T wireless gateway (wired/wireless modem/router combined in one) and attempting to access the network via a Netgear powerline ethernet adapter.

BTW don't I need to be connected to the network to get the firmware update/feature upgrade or can I download to a usb stick and transfer that way.

Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions,

"If you try to turn toward it, you go against it."